The Phillies acquired Bob Uecker (#326) from the Cardinals along with 1B Bill White and shortstop Dick Groat for pitcher Art Mahaffey, outfielder Alex Johnson, and catcher Pat Corrales. 1967 was Bob's final season. In early June, the Phillies traded him to the Braves for catcher Gene Oliver (whose bat had a little more pop than Uecker's).
Bob's real career(s) began after he retired from baseball:
1. Miller Lite commercials
("I'm in the front row!")
2. A starring role in TV's
Mr. Belvedere
3. Long-time announcer for the Milwaukee Brewers
4. He was the Cleveland Indians' announcer in
Major League
It says on the back that he was an NL All-Star selection in 1961. That can't be right.
Hmm... you're right, because:
1. It's BOB UECKER, after all
2. He spent the 1961 season in Louisville
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